Uptown Wine Shop

Uptown Wine Shop

Uptown Wine Shop

Upper East Side
1361 Lexington Ave.
between E. 90th/E.91st Sts.

P: 212.289.6900

A long-time neighborhood fixture, this wine shop has been in this location for over 25 years.  In a quirky and somewhat confusing move, the former owners called it J. Braun Wine & Liquors and when the new owners took over several years ago, they never changed the neon sign to say Uptown.  Fortunately it's the only wine and liquor store at the intersection..

What's great:
A large selection of all types of wines from all the usual places at all different prices.  Excellent spirit selection.

What to know:
The store delivers but ask about charges as they vary depending on where the delivery is going and how large the delivery may be.



New YorkManhattanWine & SpiritsLiquorUpper East SideWine

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